This week on Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT) I posted the last of my sixth grade math stations. You can get the entire set of 6th grade Math stations for 20% OFF the total price or you can pick which ones will assist you as a wonderful resource in your classroom. Take a look at the bundle HERE:
Here is the last 6th grade Math Station:
This math station activity is intended to help students understand how to recognize a statistical question and anticipate the variability in the data set, understand that a set of data collected answer a statistical question, recognize that a measure of center summarizes all of its values with a single number, display numerical data in plots, summarize numerical data sets, and report the number of observations.
Included are:
-6 different stations to engage students
-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time
-Stations include:
1. Vocabulary
2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to
3. Practice of Displaying Data
4. Additional Practice of Analyzing Data
5. Real World applications of Surface Area & Volume of Solids
6. Word problems of Summarizing Data
-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers
CLICK HERE to view the last Math Station for 6th Grade:
Visit my store for more activities:
Happy Teaching!
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