Wednesday, September 16, 2015

More Middle School Math Stations! oh My!

This week I posted two new Math Stations: Applying Rates & Ratios {Grade 6} and Functions {Grade 8}. Check out these new stations, they make my Math classroom run smoothly and I LOVE it how I can easily facilitate without being stressed. Students love the different stations and moving around the room isn't always so bad in middle school as it helps the time by go quickly!

Math Stations: Applying Ratios & Rates

Math Stations: Applying Rates & Ratios
This math station activity is intended to help students understand how to use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Students will learn how to reason about tables of equivalent ratios, use double number line diagrams and equations.

Included are:

-6 different stations to engage students

-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time

-Stations include:
1. Vocabulary
2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to
3. Practice of Rates & Ratios
4. Additional Practice of Rates & Ratios
5. Real World applications of Ratios
6. Word problems of Rates & Ratios

-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers


Math Stations: Functions
Math Stations: Functions
This math station activity is intended to help students understand how to graph proportional relationships, understand that a function is a rule that assigns one input to one output exactly, compare properties of two functions, interpret the equation y = mx + b, construct a function, determine the rate of change of a function, and describe the functional relationship between two quantities.

Included are:

-6 different stations to engage students

-Teacher facilitated activity for 60-90 minutes of classroom time

-Stations include:
1. Vocabulary
2. Technology (Need classroom computers & internet access to
3. Practice of Functions
4. Additional Practice of Functions
5. Real World applications of Functions
6. Word problems of Functions

-Student Station Guide helps students record their answers


Visit my store for more activities:

Happy Teaching!

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